Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Too hot to eat and too hot not to eat

I know. I am confused, too. But, at dusk the temp was 92 degrees according to a bank display. I try to eat things that are cool. All those foods seems to be fattening, like ice cream. When my energy flags and I wilt in the heat, I think real food will energize me. It does. So, I eat some more! At this rate I won't lose weight tonight.

Here is where TOPS helps. I know I will have to weigh in and then say whether I gained or lost at roll call. Besides, none of the games are fun when you don't lose weight. Nope, not a bit of fun. And, I really like games of any kind. Well, almost any kind.

Today, I have lots to do--wash hair and try to get it to dry instead of getting soaked with sweat, vote, gather lots of medical records from doctors, go to TOPS, clean the house a little bit, deliver results of more decluttering, take care of hens, and not overeat. Well, the heat alone causes me to eat wrong.Plus, my ac is trying to die!

Tonight will tell how I have done.

Is anyone out there sabotaging their weight loss like I am? Are you eating all the wrong things? Eating too much when less would work?

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