Friday, July 23, 2010

Sadly, a weight gain

I have waited until Friday to report a weight gain of 3+ pounds last Tuesday night. It looks like fat reigns here. No more.

Last week, I kept eating ice cream and justifying it by saying I needed to cool off. Oh, yeah! I had lost 3 pounds in a month and managed to put it all back on in a week. If I got up and looked in my weight book, I would know the exact amount. However, what does it matter? I GAINED!

Already, I am doing much better. I have had little cheese, no candy, no chips, no fast food, and nothing fried. Oh, I did have a free cookie at the grocery store one day and two free cookies another day. Those were being consumed last week, too.

After moving food from my kitchen refrigerator freezer to my upright freezer, I now have room for ice trays. That means I can drink more iced tea and less Cokes. I heart the taste of tea without sugar or lemon, just plain iced tea!

Oh, yes, I forgot. For months I have been looking for my square brownie pan. While cleaning out the kitchen freezer, I found it. I have been eating the fresh apple cake with raisins and chopped walnuts that I froze around Christmas. This will be my one sweet other than the cookies at the grocery.

Since I have done a lot more housework--decluttering--and more yardwork, the pounds I gained should slip away this week. Oh, the killing of flies has occupied my time, so that counts as exercise, right?

My mother would not allow me to kill a fly. Okay, she was right! I have lousy aim. That just means more exercise for me.

Now that I feel I am back on track with eating right, I can relax about my weight.

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