Friday, July 2, 2010

Friday Forever & Stretching

Did you ever have a day that seemed to last forever? I am having one today. It is not that it seems to last too long, it just does not end. That's today.

I managed to buy my daughter a gift, a digital frame, wrap it, stuff a box full of things for her and her children and mail it. Now,the PO line DID seem to last forever. The PO won't be open tomorrow, so people were lining up to do their mailing today. Everyone had packages! As it turns out, the day they gave for delivery is also her birthday. That works out well.

For about a month now, I have been slowly easing my body into a stretching routine several times a day. This is paying off.

Food for the day:
Ruffles chips
cheese sandwich on whole wheat bread

Smoothie:banana, mango, strawberry, blueberry, yogurt, oj
This make a 24 oz drink/meal

Salad: Romaine, raddicio, endive, carrots, tomatoes, chicken, dressing

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