Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My first weight loss at TOPS

Tonight, I lost two pounds. I got Flower of the Week and 75 cents. I am not sure where the money came from! Oh, I received a certificate, too.

Three of us lost two pounds, so we divided the Flower Basket. Whoever wants to can put something non-fattening in the flower basket. I forgot to bring something and put in $0.50. One person who lost two pounds and was eligible to divide the basket did not want to divide, so two of us divided the contents. My haul:
Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper
bottle of water
1 box of sugar-free Jello

For the other person:
2 boxes of sugar free Jello
can of fruit
diet Sierra Mist

Everyone who wanted to participate put $1 in the pot and received a ticket. At the end of the night a ticket was drawn and the winner got half the pot and the club got the rest. I think the winner got about $9. I may not participate in this very often.

The program was about attitude.

I forgot to take my food diary for the last week, but I can turn it in next week and it will still count. Keeping a food diary is a pain and counterproductive with my weight loss. But, it is for some kinds of points, I think. So, I will do it.

We are supposed to record each week how far we walked. I am not taking walks but figure I just have walked a mile each day with chicken and yard care and shopping. So, my total for the week is 7 miles.

There is a baseball game contest each week. At least my loss counted for something toward that goal. Our baseball team (Luscious Ladies) had our picture taken to send to TOPS in Birmingham.

We had a silent prayer time, said the Pledge of Allegiance, and the TOPS Pledge. And, then I came home! Ta DA!

Now, to strategize about losing weight for next week.

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