Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Yikes! Ate at KFC on Wednesday

On Wednesday, a friend took my to KFC. Yes, I really enjoyed it since I have not eaten at KFC in about 4 months. Frying chicken at home is so fattening. At KFC the portions are limited, so I have no leftovers to stuff in my mouth for a I need fried food twice in one day!

Today , Wednesday, I ate:
Fried chicken breast
part of the KFC mashed potatoes
all of the gravy
gave away the biscuit!
unsweetened tea, senior drink!

two slices whole wheat, double fiber bread

Yes, it is a smoothie
All the fruit was frozen.

Leaf lettuce

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Lost weight again

Today, for the second weigh-in, I lost weight. Granted, it was only 3/4 lb, but it is a loss. I must do better about the eating part of

Today I ate:
bit homemade mac and cheese
rest of pasta salad
chocolate milk
huge salad with leaf lettuce, chicken and dressing
Diet Coke


This smoothie is about 20 oz and a whole

I want to lose weight for me, my team, my TOPS club, and to win stuff at the meetings. I like winning.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Brownies for Breakfast

Remember, they are full of beans and oats and bananas.

What I ate today:
Magical brownies
Gobs of leaf lettuce
Chocolate milk
chicken with salad dressing on the lettuce
two pieces whole wheat bread and cheese

Today was soooo hot. The clothes I hung on the clothesline dried in about 30 minutes.I got my mile of walking in by dribs and drabs--around the yard, in parking lots, and in stores. Hey, I was moving!

Tomorrow will be an exciting day. I go to TOPS and weigh.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Magical Brownie recipe

These brownies are delicious. I cannot say they are exactly like brownies. They are chocolate and gooey. When they are hot the taste of the bananas is very evident. When the brownies are cold, the banana is barely evident. Instead of a food processor, I just used a potato masher. Once in a while, I chewed on a partial bean. Each time, I was excited to have that chocolate chip feeling. It may have been my imagination, but the bean tasted like chocolate chip and had the same texture!

After a fat-feeling Saturday and a fat-feeling day yesterday, I decided to pull out this recipe on Sunday and try it.

This recipe came from She used another recipe and came up with this one.I added the salt. You can click on the link on her page to see the original recipe and directions. Here is my version. Next time, I will add a quarter tsp of vanilla.

Magical Brownies

2 ripe bananas
1 can black beans or about 2 cups cooked at home
1/4 cup cocoa
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup instant oats (put whole oats through processor)
1/4 tsp salt

Cook in 350 degree oven for about 30 min. Test center.

What I ate today:
Coke and potato chips, baked
milk and cereal
chocolate milk
lots of fruit
magical brownies

Somehow I ate no vegetables! Or, I cannot remember.

Tomorrow is the day I weigh at TOPS.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Fat and looking for a dress

Whew, the wedding is over and I think I looked okay, even fat. My friend's granddaughter was getting married today at 2 pm. Well, I decided about 6 pm on Friday that I had nothing to wear. I thought I would run out and get something, anything. That did not work so well because I am fat. Walmart, KMart, and Belk's were destinations. Nothing at KMart; nothing at Walmart; one dress one one t-shirt at Belk. I tried on a dress or two Belk, finally bringing home one that I did not try on. Yikes! When I paid for it, it was $171 for both on my charge card at Belk's. No way. But, it went home with me anyway because I might not find anything else.

The price of the dress made me even more determined to find something elsewhere and cheaper. Finally, I brought home an orange and pink floral, $15 from Walmart...well, all leaves no flowers. It fit. But, my fat arms showed as did my farmer tan and all the mosquitoe bites on the backs of my arms. The bites have been scratched, so it was ugly.

This morning, I washed my hair, put on the dress, knee highs, and good black flats and set out to look for shoes, purse, and scarf for around my cover my arms. No sandals in pink leather! So, I bought a pair of houndstooth rain boots. Okay, I will need them next winter, and they were on sale. Thankfully, I found no purse I would carry. BUT, I did find a hot pink scarf that just set off the dress. I wore my Enzo Angiolinis that are pink and carried a straw purse.

After the wedding, I took back the unworn sundress and t-shirt to Belk. So, my outfit cost me about $30 today. That's much better.

All in all, it has been a good day.

Breakfast: got up late Coke, cereal, milk
Lunch: Orange Juice, big bite of goat cheese
Wedding: tomatoes, cucumber sandwich, tuna sandwich, strawberries, pineapple,two crackers and bit of cheese ball, punch, wedding and groom cake that I did not finish.
Dinner:squash, chicken, apple, banana

The wedding was beautiful. The bride was It was a perfect sunny day.Even though I am sooooo fat, I felt good about my appearance. However, seeing myself in a dress in a three-way mirror has made my resolve to lose weight even greater.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Easy peasy eating day and walking

This morning, I overslept! I did not sleep well the night before, so that may be why I slept so long.
I ate well today. Hopefully, this day will contribute to weight loss.

Breakfast:Coke, Trader Joe cereal, milk
Lunch: piece of whole wheat bread, milk
Snack:brownie and ice cream
Dinner:spaghetti, leaf lettuce, tomato, corn, squash, two bites of bread
Snack: strawberries, mango, banana, yogurt, oj, blueberries, chocolate milk

For a snack I tried to eat some David's sunflower seeds. They are entirely too salty for my taste! When I went outside,I just spit them out.

Walking--about a mile

Today, I pretended I was shopping for the dress I need for a wedding Saturday. Pretended? yes. I looked and saw nothing, so I don't know when I will get serious. If this were cooler weather, I would have something to wear! It will be so good to finally lose weight and have clothes that fit!

Is anyone having a good day? It's almost over, but it is still a good day.And, this is a dull post...LOL.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

No hunger day

When I awoke, I had two scrambled eggs with cheese, a huge glass of 2% milk and a smaller glass of orange juice.

Then, for lunch I had a piece of bread with cheese and a banana. From now on I am going to have one piece of bread instead of two for whatever I eat.

Combos were calling my name. I ate two and no more. I gave away 13 little snack size bags and the bag I opened. Whew, no temptation left there.

Dinner was coleslaw, leaf lettuce, and tomatoes. My friend who came to help me out today had chicken, coleslaw, and the rest of the green beans. I was so hot, I could not bear to think about eating more.

Since I was famished shortly thereafter, I had about 1/2 inch of cheese cut into three slices and an apple. I should have had chicken!

Now, an 8"x8" pan of brownies with a cup of chopped walnuts are in the oven. Yes, I got a pint of ice cream for them. I am going to try not to eat the whole pint at once. The brownies will last me through the weekend and maybe into next week. Okay, who am I kidding? Seriously, the walnuts are good for me!

Later, I will have a smoothie with strawberries, mango, oj, yogurt, and blueberries. My smoothies are usually 16 oz of lusciousness. Without the banana, this will be a bit less and easier to get it all down without being stuffed. I had one banana today.

I heart TOPS.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My first weight loss at TOPS

Tonight, I lost two pounds. I got Flower of the Week and 75 cents. I am not sure where the money came from! Oh, I received a certificate, too.

Three of us lost two pounds, so we divided the Flower Basket. Whoever wants to can put something non-fattening in the flower basket. I forgot to bring something and put in $0.50. One person who lost two pounds and was eligible to divide the basket did not want to divide, so two of us divided the contents. My haul:
Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper
bottle of water
1 box of sugar-free Jello

For the other person:
2 boxes of sugar free Jello
can of fruit
diet Sierra Mist

Everyone who wanted to participate put $1 in the pot and received a ticket. At the end of the night a ticket was drawn and the winner got half the pot and the club got the rest. I think the winner got about $9. I may not participate in this very often.

The program was about attitude.

I forgot to take my food diary for the last week, but I can turn it in next week and it will still count. Keeping a food diary is a pain and counterproductive with my weight loss. But, it is for some kinds of points, I think. So, I will do it.

We are supposed to record each week how far we walked. I am not taking walks but figure I just have walked a mile each day with chicken and yard care and shopping. So, my total for the week is 7 miles.

There is a baseball game contest each week. At least my loss counted for something toward that goal. Our baseball team (Luscious Ladies) had our picture taken to send to TOPS in Birmingham.

We had a silent prayer time, said the Pledge of Allegiance, and the TOPS Pledge. And, then I came home! Ta DA!

Now, to strategize about losing weight for next week.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Tomorrow is the day--weigh-in!

I am not particularly worried about tomorrow being my first weigh-in since joining. Although I have eaten foods I should not have, I have also passed by many foods. I do believe I will lose weight.

Chocolate will remain on my daily agenda. However, even with keeping chocolate in my life, it will be limited. I can keep chocolate around and give up fried food and junk food.

Two little Krystals were my only lifestyle faux pas. Oh, yeah, I discovered Combos. In a moment of weakness, I tried them and kept eating. They are out of my life now. Okay, a bit of ice cream. But, this is such an improvement from the weeks before.

Losing weight or changing a lifestyle is more than denial. Changing a lifestyle cannot be done overnight nor can losing weight. Anyone who says differently is just......oh well. I am not going to pay attention to naysayers who only have one way to live or want to prescribe a way for me to live.

Sunday, I bought a beautiful head of leaf lettuce. Not only was it very fresh, it was huge and beautiful. That whole head may be consumed by me tonight.

Keeping a food diary is so annoying, but I do it for the TOPS group.

My next post will be crucial. Weight loss will be posted.

Friday, June 18, 2010

I Did It--I joined TOPS

On June 15, I joined TOPS. Yes, I did. I paid my $26 fee. So, it feels good to be a full-fledged member. Dues are $2 each month. There is a fine for gaining weight, so I will be very careful.

I weighed 262 lbs on my first weigh-in. You can see from the numbers that I have some work to do. Since joining, I have not completely been eating the way I should. I finished the chips and drank too many Cokes with sugar. However, as usual, I am eating plenty of fruits and vegetables! Yes, I will finish the ice cream! I know better and DON'T need advice. LOL

At the first TOPS meetings I was introduced to their current weight-loss games, introduced to the members, and had a very pleasant evening. I will be returning every Tuesday!

The search has not stopped for an exercise partner.

This next week, I will weigh before leaving so I can compare my weight at home with my weight there. That way, I will know before I leave home if I have been successful.

New scales are something in my future plans. These were bought in 1964. They weigh just fine. However, I cannot see the numbers very well.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Joining TOPS

Long ago when I only had twenty pounds to lose, I went to a popular weight loss group. The leader of the group was trying to encourage me to join when I went for the trial visit. She told me that I would never lose weight unless I joined this popular group. So, I took myself home and never went back.

When I heard of Take Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS), I went to try one meeting. I was so happy. In a short time I had lost my twenty pounds! Since I am 5' 7.5", my 130 lbs weight was perfect.

Then, we moved.

After awhile, I found a new TOPS that was very preachy/praying and decided to quit since no one EVER lost weight, including me. I was not inspired.

Now, I am back! Well, on Monday, I will be back in TOPS.

Right now, I am so excited that I do believe I am losing weight already.

Oh, Happy Day! Stay tuned to see how I do on this new challenge.