Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I am a Turtle

That means I stayed the same weight at my TOPS meeting! I neither lost nor gained! Yay for me!

I am not sure how I stayed the same because I ate ice cream three days. One was a single serve from the freezer case--some sort of taco thing with a waffles taco, ice cream inside, and dipped in chocolate along the open edge after the waffle taco was folded.

Another day, I bought a six-pack of ice cream sandwiches and ate all six immediately. They sure were cold and it sure was hot that day.

Several things have changed in my diet. When I ran out of the Hershey's Quik, I bought no more. Just not having the Quik means I drink less milk. Score!

I ate a whole bowl of pimento cheese that I made, all in one day. But, I did not buy the chips that I love with pimiento cheese sandwiches. Score!

Since I live alone, I do eat strange things at odd times. This morning, I had two glasses of milk, two raspberry twists, and 1/4 cup cashews. Lunch: two little pizzas I made with canned pizza sauce, thin bread rounds that come in a package, and five cheese italian pizza.

I will probably have some strawberry marshmallows that I inherited. Why, oh why did I even open the bag!? Dinner will be pork chops, oven potatoes with a coating, green beans, carrots, and cole slaw. After that, I will eat an apple, then a smoothie with banana, mango, strawberry, oj,and yogurt. So far, so good. We all have to keep up with what we eat this month. sigh

Since I have been outside, sweating, and toiling in the 99 degree heat, nothing but water has passed through my lips.

There is more to do today, so this was my break.

Is there anyone who is single, eating alone who eats strange things for meals? Tell me what it is.

Yes,I am moving like a turtle in this heat. In the South we have a saying:
Move slow and stay in the shade.
I am.

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